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Biden Coronavirus Adviser: God Gave Us Two Arms ‘One for the Flu Shot … One for the COVID Shot’

God gave mankind two arms, each ready to be injected with vaccines pushed by government officials, President Biden’s coronavirus adviser Ashish Jha said this week.

“I really believe this is why God gave us two arms — one for the flu shot and the other one for the COVID shot,” Jha said during the administration’s COVID-19 press briefing:

Additionally, Anthony Fauci, outgoing chief medical adviser to President Biden, also weighed in on future vaccines, contending that they should be viewed in the same way as an annual flu shot.

“It is becoming increasingly clear that looking forward with the COVID-19 pandemic, in the absence of a dramatically different variant, we likely are moving towards a path with a vaccination cadence similar to that of the annual influenza vaccine, with annual updated COVID-19 shots matched to the currently circulating strains for most of the population,” he stated.

“However, some particularly vulnerable groups may continue to need more frequent vaccination against COVID-19,” he added:

Despite the government’s coercive efforts — including ongoing vaccine mandates and testing requirements — three in ten Americans have not received any sort of coronavirus jab, a recent survey from The Economist/YouGov found.

As Breitbart News reported:

While a majority, 71 percent, indicated that they have received “at least one shot of ANY manufacturers COVID-19 vaccine,” three in ten, 29 percent, said they have not.

The figure is highest among independents, 39 percent of whom said they have not received any coronavirus vaccine. Another 35 percent of Republicans indicated that they have not received a vaccine either, and 14 percent of Democrats said the same.

Trump voters are far less likely to say they received a coronavirus vaccine as well, as 34 percent said they did not, compared to 91 percent of 2020 Biden voters who said they did get at least one jab.

The call for more frequent coronavirus jabs comes two years after near-constant misinformation pushed by public health officials, who attempted to guilt Americans into getting the jab.

For instance, in July 2021, Biden suggested that vaccinated individuals would not get the virus, which is wholly untrue. He also suggested that vaccinated individuals would not spread the virus, which is also untrue.

Ironically, Biden would know this better than anyone now, given the fact that the quadruple-vaccinated president contracted the coronavirus this year.


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One Comment

  1. Intelligence is at an all time low. So, after centuries, the use of our arms is finally discovered. I don’t think so. So, we didn’t need them to drive, get dressed, play most instruments, eat, hold a baby, book, perform surgery etc. The fallacies in this gentleman’s clip are astounding!!!

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