Joe Biden Wants 2024 Campaign Headquarters in Wilmington Home

Joe Biden reportedly is trying to locate his 2024 campaign headquarters at his home in Wilmington, Delaware, where classified documents were found stashed in November.
While the Justice Department has launched an investigation into Biden’s mishandling of classified information, the president is trying to convince his team the best location for his 2024 campaign headquarters is in Wilmington, the New York Times reported.
Not everyone reportedly agrees with Biden’s location demands. Reports suggest some advisers believe Biden’s Wilmington home “would make recruitment harder, with younger campaign aides not eager to spend a year in a sleepy, small town.” Other advisers reportedly want the headquarters in Philadelphia, where his 2020 campaign was based.
The decision on the location of the headquarters remains incomplete.
Reports suggest Biden will launch a 2024 reelection campaign in April, despite negative polling for the president. A recent poll reveals only 37 percent of Democrats want him to launch a second bid, down from 52 percent before the 2022 midterm elections.
Additional polling shows Biden’s mental fitness is a concern among voters. According to a Friday poll, 57 percent doubted Biden’s mental fitness to serve, while 43 percent said he is mentally fit. Notably, 66 percent of independents had doubts. Thirty-four percent did not.
The polling reflects worries among some Democrat lawmakers, who have raised concerns Biden’s mental cognition could negatively impact his 2024 campaign.
“Nobody wants to be the one to do something that would undermine the chances of a Democratic victory in 2024,” Rep. Dean Phillips (D-MN) told Politico Magazine. “Yet in quiet rooms the conversation is just the opposite — we could be at a higher risk if this path is cleared.”
The establishment media have echoed the fears of some Democrat lawmakers. CNN reported Biden’s age is “constantly” brought up in focus groups. “Many veer toward assuming he must be ineffective or being puppeteered: ‘brain dead,’ ‘mush’ – ‘dementia’ is a word that comes up all the time,” one individual with knowledge of focus groups sessions told CNN.
Biden appears to believe his mental health is well enough to lead the nation. When a reporter questioned Biden in 2022 about why voters doubt his mental ability, health, and stability, he replied he had no clue.
“I have no idea,” Biden said. “I don’t believe the polls.”