Jay Leno Discharged from Hospital After Surgery for Burns from Car Fire
Veteran late-night TV host and comedian Jay Leno was discharged from Grossman Burn Center in Los Angeles, California, on Monday following a 10-day stay after being hospitalized for “serious” facial burns as a result of a car fire.
“I am pleased with Jay’s progress, and I am optimistic that he will make a full recovery,” doctor Peter Grossman told Fox News.
Leno, who reportedly received multiple surgeries for third-degree burns, had suffered “significant burns to his face and hands” in addition to scarring on his chest when the flames erupted while he was working underneath one of his vehicles in his garage on November 12.
“Jay would like to let everyone know how thankful he is for the care he received, and is very appreciative of all of the well wishes,” Grossman Burn Center said in a statement. “He is looking forward to spending Thanksgiving with his family and friends and wishes everyone a wonderful holiday.”
Last week, the former Tonight Show host was reported to be in good condition, with his wife Mavis by his side.
“He is in good spirits today,” Grossman said during a press conference last week.
“He seems to be a gentleman who really doesn’t want to make a big deal of this,” Grossman added. “He wants to get back to work, that’s what he does. I had to tell him that he needs to step back a bit and that these things take time.”
After the fire accident, Leno said in a statement to Fox News, “I got some serious burns from a gasoline fire. I am OK. Just need a week or two to get back on my feet.”
Leno reportedly had at least two surgeries while at the burn center, with one being a “surgical excision and grafting procedure.”